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Well Being Lifestyle Design.



Energy. Creativity.
Well Being.
Leadership. Lifestyle.




"It is Well" LLC is a wellbeing lifestyle

design company

serving Change Makers, Spiritual Activists

and the Beloved Community.

The big broad themes of WBLD - Energy, Creativity,

Well Being, Leadership and Lifestyle address 

energetic potential, capacity and

the impact of stress on our ability to

navigate & embrace change & transitions. 


​"a way of being well"

Well Being is fundamental, essential

not just an add on.

Cor.e | Wellbeing | Dynamics | Specialist | Audrey Vosburg | Wellness | Wholistic | Balance | Coaching | Coach | Lifestyle | Life | Wellbeing | Energy | Core | Engaged | Anti-Stress | Anti | Stress
Cor.e | Wellbeing | Dynamics | Specialist | Audrey Vosburg | Wellness | Wholistic | Balance | Coaching | Coach | Lifestyle | Life | Wellbeing | Energy | Core | Engaged | Anti-Stress | Anti | Stress
Cor.e | Wellbeing | Dynamics | Specialist | Audrey Vosburg | Wellness | Wholistic | Balance | Coaching | Coach | Lifestyle | Life | Wellbeing | Energy | Core | Engaged | Anti-Stress | Anti | Stress
Cor.e | Wellbeing | Dynamics | Specialist | Audrey Vosburg | Wellness | Wholistic | Balance | Coaching | Coach | Lifestyle | Life | Wellbeing | Energy | Core | Engaged | Anti-Stress | Anti | Stress

Audrey is an avid gardener,

Well Being Lifestyle Designer,

Core Energy Coach, and

Spiritual Guide/ Companion.

Audrey has decades of experience & training in

Leadership, Community Development,

Advancement,  Resource Development

in Education (college, k- 12) and

Non- Profit organizations 

(housing, anti- poverty, food security).  

"well being by Design not by Default."

Change onlookers photo.jpg

The goal of optimal wellbeing for Change Makers and Spiritual Activists can be

personally challenging, difficult, tedious, and stressful.

DESIGN work is an antidote.

It is exhilarating, inspiring and liberating. 

"Intro to Well Being Lifestyle Design" Workshop

DESIGN, your "way of being well".  

Coin it your "strategy", "system", "process" or "formula".

It's "How" you do Anything and Everything. 

DESIGN consists of five monthly modules. A total of ten virtual sessions. The monthly schedule for each module includes a DESIGN session and a Coaching session. Active Learning resources to inform and inspire the creation of your DESIGN are provided in your personal, virtual space. 

Energy, our vital life force

 determines our human capacity and ability

in all dimensions of our Being---

Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.  


"Well Being on the Spiritual Journey"

Spiritual Guidance/ Companionship is offered

in the manner of ancient & timeless spiritual practices of

deep listening and discernment.

A critical distinction is the consideration of Energy Influencers --

Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, Environmental and Spiritual.


Online sessions provide a "sacred space of grace" for

discoveries and explorations of "Being" well while 

on the quest(s) and spiritual journey that is life.

"Awareness" is the focus.  


Be the Change
You Want to See
in the World.

Audrey | Vosburg | Wellness | Wholistic | Coaching | Wellbeing | Anti | Stress | Life | Coach | Leadership | Core | Energy | Engaged | Group | Balance |


Let's connect. 

I would love to schedule a

Discovery Session with you!


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